Monday, August 27, 2007

Standing up for the Dogs- DMX's home raided and dogs taken into custody

Push play to view some old skool DMX video's and push the fast forward or next button to scroll through and choose which DMX video to watch.

Well as you may know the rapper known as DMX has been on tour overseas for the past couple of months. He left his Arizona home to the charge of an outside caretaker for his beloved 12 dogs. Since dogs and animal treatment seem to be a focus in the news due to the Mike Vick dog fighting media parade neighbors of the Rough Rider started complaining that they noticed apparent dog mistreatment from DMX, or Earl Simmons's Cave Creek property for the last couple of weeks according to Eurweb and All Hip Hop. Neighbors said that the dogs were left alone for 23 hours or more a day and only let off the leash once a day to eat and roam otherwise they had no access to food or water. I sure hope these are the same neighbors or folks that would call the cops if they noticed an intruder on your property! Hello! Anyway deputies from the Marcicopa County Sheriff's office went to raid the home after receiving the alarming tip off. They found the dogs (2 pit bulls and 10 masfitts) tied up on the property as possibly expected from the source BUT they also found a variety of "assault" firearms, several cars with untraceable license plates, and a half pound of suspected (suspected ONLY at this point) illegal narcotics. There is no telling who the "narcotics", cars and firearms belong to but the dogs who were reported thin and malnutritioned are admittedly belonging to Mr. Simmons. There has not been evidence that the dogs were used for fighting which is good news but because of the condition of the dogs they were seized. When searching the grounds authorities also dug up and found three dead dogs, one burned and the other two decomposing so it is unknown of their cause of death. Murray Richman, DMX's lawyer said that his client hadn't been home for two months and left the responsibility of the dogs to the caretaker so was "extremely disturbed" to learn the state of his animals. The lawyer also said that DMX loves the dogs and considers them like family. At this time no charges have been filed or arrests made. will keep you posted on the progression of the story as it unfolds.

I must say that I am a watcher and a fan of DMX. He is a fellow Sagittarius like myself (high five for the fire signs!) and although that gives us a small piece of common ground to stand it is not the powerful force that strangely strikes a chord of kinship to the self proclaimed dog. To me DMX represents the ethereal struggle of a common man. Not to say that all men go through this exactly. But the rapper (and many others) is a man in the flesh who battles with that flesh and openly talks about it(his music, his videos, his 2006 TV reality show on BET). His constant battles with The Lord, drugs, women, wild partying, etc. is no stranger to the media or even his fans. DMX is not hiding who he is. He is not fronting in front of the camera but instead he seems to be a sincere, "What you see is what you get" kind of man. However don't make a quick judgment because what you see today may be completely different than what you see tomorrow and that may confuse the shallow minded. What you see today is a man in jail or in the streets who is battling his drug addiction and women outside of his marriage to a faithful and patient wife. But what you see tomorrow is a man leading his family in a heart felt prayer, fighting for his relationship with God and religion, a man who adores his family and appreciates that committed wife. This is a man who is in torment between good and evil but I believe really wants to do the good in his heart. I can feel it...he REALLY wants to do good but that proverbial Beelzebub is standing defiantly on his shoulder. Even with his constant toggle between both vast worlds I think this man may be sincere in his life fight! DMX could be one of the world's greatest teachers and leaders once he gets his emotions in check and lines up his actions with the God he calls on during concerts or when alone in what may often be a bleak mind.

1. In the recent united states frenzy regarding animals (namely dogs) do you think that DMX would knowingly allow his animals to be mistreated? Does he truly LOVE those dogs?

1B. Is DMX a sincere man or just plain confused in the brain?

1BC. Is his wife REAL and down for sticking with him through the heat or crazy for putting herself through his torment?

2. Do you think PETA is going to be getting very involved in this more intense onset of coverage for animals and animal rights?

3. Do you eat meat? Wear fur? Treat animals like family? I just want to know!!!

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