163 Peters St
Atlanta, GA 30313
Phone: 404-521-9961 or 1-866-7-nubian
163 Peters St
Atlanta, GA 30313
Phone: 404-521-9961 or 1-866-7-nubian
Email: zennubian7@yahoo.com
Okay everyone that knows me knows that I am a meat eater just like my daddy. Bonafide give me the meat and tatoes kinda gal. But as I grew in age and wanted better health I took advice from good friends and went more towards salads and vegetables, herbs and natural healing in general. But still despite all this i NEVER considered going vegetarian because I still like meat ALOT and certainly never dared to venture into the land of the Vegans.
So why was I put at a Vegan Restaurant on one of my great friend's 30th birthday? Well I'll tell you why...it's because I needed to have an open mind to a new experience (and support her of course!) and I'm glad that I did. ZenNubian Tea House 7 was a real Zen, healthy, decent cost, and tasty (with sea salt added) experience.
First things first: Don't come hungry. No no no it's not that they won't feed you lots of food it's just that it takes a loooooooooooooooooooooong, did i say long? Yes long time to get your healthy vegan food grub on! It's not that they are slow it's just that all food is natural and prepared and made to order with limited grille space. Wow. So my Zen was almost ruined with by my Yen for my food to come NOW! It was a group of about 8 of us so trust me...we waited. But it was worth the treat that we received.
The scene: I've always wanted to eat at a place where it looked like Buddha lived there. ZenNubian is reminiscent of what Buddha's hut probably looked like. It is strong dark colored wood tables very low to the ground to complement the large pillows and pads that you will sit on, yes sit on. There are but a few chairs and futons as a place to eat it with normal sized tables. I liked doing this ground sitting thing until my legs started to throb with fiery pin needles from the agony that comes from hours of sitting.
There is a section with healing stones, old spiritual and healing books and even the bathroom in back looks like an Indian African safari!
The good: The potatoes, the many wonderful healing teas (over 90), the fresh vegetable and pasta bowls are so HUGE, the paninis made with flat bread or better yet fresh Nan are so wonderful. Try the Veggie Beef Panini. It doesn't taste like beef no, but has the same consistency along with a sweet and savory flavor to complement the meal. Remember this is a HEALTHY place!
The bad: The Panini's have flavor BUT lots of the food has no flavor until you put sea salt on it. Just go ahead and ask for it automatically when you order your meal. And again you will wait some time for your meal so pray there is no crowd and don't bother going if you a castaway who hasn't eaten real food for months!
The ugly: The jalapeno cheese grits. Ewww. Fake cheese...ewww! Too watery. The "chocolate" desert cake...OMG...hellz no! It was made of sweet red beans and felt like marshmallow but tasted like yucky! They tried yall but nuh uh! Hated it, nuff said.
EXTRA! EXTRA!: ZenNubian has vegan cooking classes at $25, Yoga and Tea on Monday nights for $10, free live Jazz on Tuesday nights, they show a silent martial arts film every evening while you dine, and they will do a party for you on-site or off-site. They also have smoothies and fresh juices for your health and detox purposes.
Ahhh... ZenNubian is a little taste of Heaven on earth except the food in Heaven won't cost and will be pre-seasoned with the goodness of God!
This is by far a great spot to get your healthy vegan eating on!! I enjoyed my time here with my girlz!!! I must say I agree wit the Maven when she said it take tooooooooo long to get your food. It is worth the wait though.