Saturday, September 22, 2007

Jena 6, kids treated like villians

Jena 6 Rally

By now the entire country knows about Jena 6 (Louisiana) and many have exploded with heart felt anger, sadness and even action. This small town has come alive and been put on the map with the known onset of ill treatment and controversy in regards to racial inequality. Louisiana seems to been in the news for the past few years in regards to racial discrimination's...I'm thinking of Hurricane Katrina.
I've included a link to a website that gives information into the case and also has an add your voice petition that you can submit. The sad thing is that this has been going on for a long time but has just recently hit the awareness of the world.

Kids get in a fight due to loud racial ignorance (that was known about and continuously ignored and allowed!) and the black kids get sent to prison. These kids are not animals. There is a problem.

1 comment:

  1. This is some backyard 1950's ish! What the hell was the D.A. was thinking when he brought attempted murder charges against these boys. This case right here leaves me speechless. I am so glad we have some people representing our race who are in powerful places to take a stand against this bull*****!


That's what I have to say. So what do YOU think? I thrive on conversation and insight. Agree or disagree or digress and leave a comment and express thyself..