Soul Train Tuesday popped off with Prominence PR's premiere gifting suite. Incredible vendors and some celebrity eye candy walked through the building at Room Servic Lounge, to get a load of the goodies like: Wine, cigars, clothing and skin products. I got some cool schwag myself. Woohoo! Thanks to Keisha McCotry.

Uptown had a party, Joia (i drove by for a minute, Lyfe Jennings & Tameka Foster-Raymond were there) had a party but aint no party like a Ludacris party obviously, because many of the Soul Train celebrity participants headed over to his restaurant Straits to end the night right into the next day. I arrived late because my company (http://www.nuanceworldmedia/) is involved in a movie casting (check the website for more details!) But even by the time i got there it was still packed from wall to wall. People with SOUL sure know how to party! Do you got soul?
I must say that this year Soul Train awards TRUMPED BET's. Hmmm. Well, let the games begin...
Social Addiction (Quite the addicting night)
http://twitter.com/socialaddiction and http://www.nuanceworldmedia.com/