she graces VH1's gossip parables daily. She doesn't keep the world guessing what color panties she may not have on. She has a number of men famous and infamous she's comforted with her sexually free essence. She defended her waning figure & plastic breast rumors for seasons. She sat through her parents public divorce, and her father's humble disgraces. She threw out excuses of exhaustion from "working" and over-partying dilemmas. She sometimes smiles and understands the obsessive paparazzi when she is not feverishly running from them. And now notably the most difficult challenge to date for the young and restless woman is her admitted addiction to drugs (such as cocaine) and alcohol. She may be one of the most followed women of the world over to date. What must it be like to live your very human victories but more popular failings in the very rabid mouth of the tisk tisking public? To have your very existence be the most criticised and yet questionably envied of the penniless and explicitly rich alike....? What tremors must jar her brain. To soar in that fame and to loath that flawed fame simultaneously, both the crowd who ridicules her and the girl who lives it in denial. The force behind her intrigue is surely her demise and her defeat. She is a pop culture icon but not quite on legend status at the tender, "still trying to find myself" age of 21. The "i'm old enough to drink but not MATURE and secure enough to not give a damn" age of America's most soured sweetheart Lindsay Lohan. Born on July 2nd that makes her a Cancer and surely this disease in the form of THE MEDIA has entered not only her body (hence the recent honest addiction testimony) but her entire narrative. They treat her tarnished image as a dramatic misguided tragedy. Her saga has become an adult child's fable broadcast night by night to the ravishing babes of the world, megaphone, light, camera and U Tube in hand. Is this the witching hour of her life or simply a human making human mistakes? The public forum is a Communal Video Diary of Lindsay Lohan. A life she lives, writes, breathes but doesn't always choose to share. Still the pages (cameras) are forcibly kept open for the indulgent to over-indulge but never get their filling. Because the gossip feast is primarily of empty calories they will remain hungry. And Lindsay as well may remain mournfully famished for solitude to live and learn and with all the mistakes that one should be allotted under normal circumstances.
"It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs," she said in a statement.
"Recently, I relapsed and did things for which I am ashamed. I broke the law, and today I took responsibility by pleading guilty to the charges in my case. No matter what I said when I was under the influence on the day I was arrested, I am not blaming anyone else for my conduct other than myself. I thank God I did not injure others. I easily could have.
"I very much want to be healthy and gain control of my life and career and have asked for medical help in doing so. I am taking these steps to improve my life. Luckily, I am not alone in my daily struggle and I know that people like me have succeeded. Maybe with time it will become easier. I hope so."
Confession from the tabloid generator herself on Thursday post her attorney's negotiated plea deal for her much captured DUI case. Her punishment? Spend 1 day in jail, serve 10 days of community service, complete a drug treatment program, placement in a 36 months probation, requirement to complete an 18-month alcohol education program, pay hundreds of dollars in fines, and complete a three-day county coroner program in which she'll visit a morgue and talk to victims of drunken drivers per AP News.
After her statement may she do her best with the support of loved ones to get some peace in dealing with her compulsions.
1. Are you sick of Ms. Lohan's heightened displays of destruction?
2. Do you feel some sadness or maybe relate to what she's going through?
3. Do you have a mixture of compassion and captivation when following her stories?
4. Or are you simply apathetic to the whole thing?
Please...someone save her from herself. Is this the new Hollywood? What about Raven Simone or the many others what are living well and staying out of the media? When do they get notariety and front page news. I want more about the "good" kids.