Very passionate man! Banner finally spoke out(well the man is brave and does not mince on words) about the subject and his displeasure to the leaders and how they handled things. He had some explosive things to say! The man feels that the rap and hip-hop community is being attacked by their own people (kinda how some of the women feel about the men or other entertainers who exploit or regard women in that negative light- HELLO! It's a two edged sword) and that by not talking to the rappers responsible for making vulgar comments, videos, etc. it does not solve the problem but makes it worse and makes them and other black people angry. He tells Oprah, Jesse J, and Al Sharpton, "Stop attacking the Kids!" I understand what he's saying and believe that there is hope for the black community to grow stronger by communicating with respect with one another. But I think that people are doing what they/the leaders know best (Oprah, Al, etc.) by going to other rappers or HIP HIP stars to talk or have a panel. They don't know the entire direction that they should go to get help. While this is not helping 100% it doesn't hurt 100% either. I think Banner missed some of the point and only is seeing the part that gets his emotion. I think he is being a bit sensitive about the issue because he feels a personal attack. I can understand that however. My opinion is that the Imus situation needed to happen. We have been fighting with this 800 pound gorilla for some time and maybe now we can bring some more resolution (even 20%!) to the situation.
Bottom line is maybe they (the leaders in the media) didn't know how to totally approach it before but now that they do, HOPEFULLY those influential leaders will go to Luda, Nelly, etc. and talk. Then it would be great if the Ludas, Nellys, etc. would respond back, without defense. It is not a perfect world so this may take some time. It has to not be all about their money all the time. These rappers may get rich but what is at stake for all their fame and fortune is our reputation as blacks. That concerns me. If certain rap is constantly putting blacks down then that is not loving our own. I desire a meeting of the minds. It is very important for our growth and survival as a people. Somehow they can have popular music and make money and our people can still be held in honor by our own people! White men don't seem to publicly trash white women the way some (i said SOME) black man do black women...and they do it without the blink of an eye...all for fame and for $$/swagger. And what about the women involved in the "degrading" madness?? Are they wrong for making their dollar/debut?? You know I used to get angry at them but then I realized what they do with their body is their choice and does not have to be a reflection on me. Maybe they were raised differently and it does not mean their self esteem is shot...or maybe it does! Who knows (can't speak for the entire world)!? I think it starts with the men BUT do these certain women still hold some of the blame/responsibility? Are they innocent, just as guilty or more guilty? I do think that the women do need to have some regard for the other younger women or little girls out there watching. Yes parents need to be rolemodels but kids are gonna follow what's hot in the media period. Like it or not they care more about Beyonce than mom and dad when it comes to being cool at that age. That does not excuse the men either like, 50, Luda, etc. they also have a job as would be leaders. You automatically become one when in the media, well or ill equipped. David Banner has my respect as an educated black entertainer and "activist". He fights for the youth, most times knows how to talk to get a message across (even as a hood), and has some dope songs. As for me I like rap, Hip Hop, (pop, R&B too) so it's become a catch 22. I enjoy some of the music even if it's not always clean or politically correct. But I feel more strongly about the outlook of the people and if that means our music, media and images have to be cleaned up some, let the games begin! So on that note...
1. How do you feel about this situation?
2. Who is the problem: The entertainers? The Leaders? The women who allow themselves to be compromised?
Leave a comment to let me and the others know what you think.
The Maven
David Banner is off the chain. I read the newest update and he's not apologizing for any comments he made. I don't know if he is helping the problem or causing more dirt to be thrown around the media AND community.
ReplyDeleteI'm trippin' on Sharpton with his reckless fighting words. He didn't respond like a man of the religion. I feel David Banner and the rap community on this one!
ReplyDeleteBrotha speaking his mind man. Yes rap can clean up some but it needs to do so in a way that the pockets still stay fat with cheese. Right now it is what it is yo. It might get a little better but it will take work. If no one gets chill and listens then it will never change and i'm cool wit that too.
ReplyDeleteI love almost anything that DB has to say. He's that thang! Ghetto boy to deaf!
ReplyDeleteUm I'm gonna need Mr. Banner to be a little less vulgar. He disrespected Al Sharpton by cursing him out, not the way to handle things. It only feeds into exactly what Sharpton was saying about rap and some some rappers. I understand that he himself feels dissed & I even feel his point but a little more tact please son!
ReplyDeleteDude being ignant tho for cursing folks out. that don't help but proves the theory about gansta rap man. come on bruh. i know he mad...