All i gotta say is, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" i don't say that because the rumor is not true, no i say that because i hope the rumor is not true. I really like common...my folks know that I have this obsessive mind love with my personal soulful rapper's delight!!!
Anyway according to the New York Post (page 6) and Sandra Rose the two were together at a dinner for Serena's sister Venus, holding hands and arm in arm...very cozy the entire night.
Awwwwwwww Damn Common!!! Why couldn't you wait for me yo?!!! Plus she is WAY too big for you. But hell i aint hatin' cuz home girl got killer washboard abs and a phat padunkadunk! Yeah I said it and i'm a girl but it's true so what...I can't be mad at the tennis champ. If you got it...you got it. Now her mug may not be all that cute (to some people) but having a toned body and upgrading her image into a more classy look over the past couple of years surely helps things out. She has never had a problem pulling very hot and very successful dudes of all trades and all races...hello Serena...will you be my teacher??!
But not much to worry about...they won't marry even if they are dating. You see all these "stars" do is date for a few months, have sex, argue, get bored, see another hottie and then move on to the next. So shallow...oh well. Anywhooooooo i'll still dream of Common like one Dreams of Genie but my dreams will be pure and full of lemon drops and chocolate hearts of a man who's name does not match his heart.
I like Serena...but she's not cute.