Friday, November 2, 2007

Roberto Cavalli said it- Jenny is pregers!

Jennifer Shaking a Tale feather about a month ago in a concert performance. Ahh..the big dress makes sense now huh nosy America???!!

The fashion designer who is responsible for making some of Jennifer's fabulous outfits speaks openly about her much lip locked pregnancy.

Roberto Cavalli stated, "It is so complicated because every week she is getting bigger."

Oops. Maybe nobody (including his famous pregnant client) gave Cavalli the planet memo that the pregnancy was suppossed to be a secret! Damn Italian fashion designers! Uhmmm...but sure I'll wear your latest line!

So...much of the world already knows this news...I just wanted to put my lil piece of it on the world's ridiculously wide plethora of blog archives myself!

Who knows why she and husband Marc Anthony didn't want to say anything even though the belly bulge was could simply be for privacy sake since much of the performer's entertainment life has been heavily spotlighted.

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