Last week pre-Thanksgiving T.I. and Ryan Cameron of V103 radio worked together to help Hosea Feed the Homeless keep their giving going by raising over $166 thousand dollars. The organization had just lost a $150k supporter this year so the popular radio personality & T.I. along with celebrity friends like JD brought in the giving spirit in just a few hours! Wow! I'm so impressed and glad in my heart.
In addition the Grand Hustle family donated 400 turkeys. Not to be outdone...Polo Da Don did the same the day before the holiday (400 turkey giveaway on Cascade in Atlanta) and added one up...anyone who lived in Zone 4 got their rent paid...for a year! I don't think this was in direct competition of each other in no means, but a friendly out giving doesn't hurt those who receive I say.
Great news...great job Atlanta. I would love to see things like this happen all year round.
THis is what it's all about. If you can bless others by all means why not and don't just let it be a one time thing but continuously! I am proud of the celebs in the ATL for giving to those who are really in need.