Friday, December 28, 2007
Sean Penn and Robin Wright Penn divorcing
Sean Penn who first married Madonna, is now divorcing his wife of 11 years, Robin. Oh well...Hollyweird and normal couple differences takes another one.
Snoop Dogg's, "Father Hood" is more than we know

Anyway now the Juice on the Street is that Snoop fathered a child, a young boy now aged nine named Julian Corrie Broadus while he was newly married to Shante his current wife. The boy's mother, Laurie Holmond and him do an exclusive interview (she probably got $$ for that one) with Star, real classy. But I don't think this will cause too much ruckus or stir in the hip hop or gossip community being that this child was born so 9 years ago and it's not a secret to his supportive wife. She already knows and it may kinda suck but they've obviously dealt with it after all these years so aight. There are no recent children born outta booty calls that we know of so cool. According to the ex-mistress (who claims that her and Snoop had a great relationship until she heard he had gotten married over the radio....uh yeah lady.) Snoop has been a great father to his son taking full responsibility. As he should hello! But anyway with the ups and downs that this couple (The Broadus') have had in their marriage with a divorce threat a few years back and Snoop's crazy antics, shoot plus look at the recent secret baby scandals by Jay-Z and Diddy, I don't think this one today, since it's old news for them is going to knock their union down. Shante and Snoop been down since high school. Ugh being married to a rapper...Hell naw! Marriage is hard enough I say! I give it to Shante...she's cute and yes she is BOSS!
The Simmons adopt a baby girl...Miley Justine Simmons!

After a tragic very public miscarriage the rapping Simmons, Rev Run, Joe Simmons and his wife Justine Simmons adopt a baby girl! They are naming this tiny bundle of joy, Miley Justine Simmons. And she is a doll! Congrats to the first family of reality TV! Maybe this child came from a blessing in disguise. Who knows if she would have been adopted by this incredible, loving family if...well you know. No one wishes such a terrible thing to take place in their lives...but i do believe God has a plan for all of us further than our eyes can see. Incredible things come to saints. Hold fast lovelies!
p.s. think of your favorite "Run's House" episode (one of mine & my friend Shameisa's is from this recent season when Justine's sister let her hold her baby for a few days...ahahaaa!!! we crack up at that one every time...Justine with her highwaters and rollers as she's strolling the baby down the block...hellz yeah!) okay? You got it now...alright now keep that in mind and just imagine what life whatda been like for you growing up in that house! Haha...priceless!!!
Fergie and Josh Duhamel get engaged!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
T.I.'s doing fine
If you subscribe to this blog via email or reader you may not be able to view this T.I. Christmas video. To view log onto Thank you!
When a man faces challenge he either sinks or swims. TIP is swimming. I'm so proud of his growth. At times a man may have to sit still for a while so God can mature him and help him see what the most important things are in his life. God bless Tip, Tiny and family.
Raz B apologizes and says he made false statements about Chris Stokes.
If you subscribe to this blog in a feed or via email you may not be able to see the above video of Raz B's "apology" to former B2K manager Chris Stokes. Log onto to check it out! Thanks!
Paid off OR was he lying in the first place? You be the judge. But God is the ultimate judge and KNOWS what is really REALLY going on with this Raz B vrs. Chris Stokes madness. Sniff...sniff i smell a SCANDAL!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Jay-Z severs his ties with Def Jam

Chris Stokes denies molestation charges
So Raz and Ricky as all of you know are saying that Chris Stokes and Marques Houston did nasty thangs to them when they were younger, and when Raz was in B2K. Of course now Stokes has fired back against the allegations. Here is what he had to say...
Start Statement
“The accusations that Demario “Raz B” Thorton and Ricardo Thorton have made are vehemently false and hold no merit. I have recently stopped financially supporting both individuals along with assisting them with their criminal and legal matters which leads me to believe they are resentful and looking to benefit financially from this. My family is my first priority and the reason why I have been so supportive of them. In bringing these false claims, they have not only slandered me, they have also put me in a position to ensure that the truth is known and I will take all legal routes to protect myself, my family and my four children,” said Chris Stokes, CEO of The Ultimate Group.”It’s also quite ironic that these statements were made only 2 weeks after they were denied admittance by a venue for an event I hosted in Beverly Hills,” added Stokes.
End statement
My take on it is that there is SOME sort of truth to the story that Raz and Ricky are telling. I don't know if there motives are right, yes a reality show is in the makings and yes the timing seems a little iffy being that they (Raz and Ricky) have recently been denied funds and access to events by cousin Stokes HOWEVER I still have a feeling that this tale of dirty thangs done in the dark is not just smoke. Years later though it is hard to prove...well the phone conversation that Ricky had with Chris Stokes helps some. But now the law firm that is representing Stokes, The Plummer Law Firm, in the case is asking for the video to be removed by California law since the conversation was recording without knowledge and consent of Stokes. Uh oh possible law suite against these tell alls. Oh well Chris...we already heard it (and the video is still on YouTube). Yet in a court of law where a case could be tried it may be a loss (the non consented recorded conversation) and that is what could matter the most for these accusers. Also it may not be 100% clear yet what it was alluded to when Stokes said, "I don't do that anymore" but it sholl is shaky. Un un UN!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Young Jeezy & CTE give away 1000 toys for 1000 kids for Christmas!

Okay like am i too old to still want a barbie??
Okay so yeah I talk about rappers badly from time to time in regards to messy lyrics or a alluding to a poor image of women folk in the media...damn-it!! However (sigh) I must say during the season to be jolly these guys are some of the first ones to give their hearts and lend their wallets in giving back to those in need!
This time I'm talking about the original Snowman, Young Jeezy and CTE along with Charles Mathis (entertainment Lawyer) and DeAngelo Hall (Atlanta Falcons) pulled their resources together to a create an event called, "1000 toys for 1000 kids". The events kicked off with a dinner and after party at Puffy's Atlanta restaurant, Justins with Jeezy, D Wade (L.A. Lakers),Shaq (L.A. Lakers), and Ray J in attendance. A toy donation or $25 donation allowed entry. To follow the successful dinner/party on a separate night a bowling party took place at 300 in Atlanta where Ne-Yo, Polow Da Don (supa producer) and Shaka from DTP came out to lend support and a skate party open to the public took place at Cascade Family Skating Rink. To add icing to a fresh cake a grand toy giveaway took place last Friday in Macon, GA! I wish I could have seen the kids faces in Macon, but thanks to Milena Brown of 5W PR for the invite! She's a very hands on and kind publicist...gotta love that!
Merry Christmas everyone! Love not only those who love you but others who aren't always as easy to love who may need it as well!
The KING Foundation Christmas Giveaway!

Thanks to Big Lots that had a part in donating some of the clothing and items for the children. And on behalf of the grateful children, thanks to Tip for staying on the grind even when behind closed doors.
For more information of what the KING Foundation is doing in the community or find out more about Grand Hustle visit
It's Luda-Crismas time! The Ludacris Foundation gives back with a Winter Wonderland for the kids!

Grammy winning rapper, and movie star Chris "Ludacris" Bridges and his non profit organization, The Ludacris Foundation (his mother is the president) gave back to 150 children in the community in a BIG way this past Saturday. The organization held a Winter Wonderland event at the beautiful Atlanta Woodruff Arts center for some eager youngsters giving them Christmas cheer a few days early. Thanks to Katena Keno and Barry L Florence for the invite!
Snow men, Santa, Mrs. Santa, Gingerbread fellows, sugar canes and music filled the rooms that was the Winter Wonderland. The children ages 6-14 involved this year were provided with several treats for this event: A showing of the movie, Fred Clause in the Woodruff Arts theater(in which Ludracris plays an elf), Build a Bear, pictures with Christmas characters (Santa, etc.), as well as some pictures with Ludacris (several kids), and food and drinks! Shaka (Luda's Manager and partner at DTP came through to show some support). Shout out to EfuaAta of Amezkha Marketing who I had a pleasure to speak to during the event. EfuaAta is Shaka's sister that has HER OWN marketing company, Amezkha. She also manages a new artist. You can visit her at I had a chance to speak with Ludacris about his foundation to let those out there that are not aware exactly what his foundation with the slogan, "Helping Kids Help Themselves" is about and what his plans were for the event. See the video below for more information.
Upon Luda's press hour we also learned that his new album, "Theater of the Mind" is smashing into record stores in 2008. This man has never been shoddy or shy on the lyrical tip so I know his new and anticipated album is going to jingle a few bells! Chris also spoke about how wonderful it was the work alongside Nelson Mandela during his involvement as the only rapper at World Aids Day in Johannesburg South Africa. The historical event featured a concert where Ludacris performed. There is also some video footage below about that. When the rapper was asked what was on his holiday "wish list" he humbly replied that since he's fortunate the greatest gift for him is to give back to others. It's great to see the rich and famous give back, especially to the kids! I wonder if I can pass for a little one again? Dumb question...anywayZ... To learn more about this organization or to get involved please visit
If you subscribe to this blog via email or feed reader than you may not be able to see the videos below of Ludacris speaking about his foundation. To view please log onto Thanks!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Frank Ski Kids Foundation Youth Bowl Championship Game!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
You to can choose your mate on a reality TV show!!!: A Shot at Love and I Love New York

What do you get when u combine a loud mouthed myspace cyber vixen with a weaved up controlling crybaby? A reality television networks dream come true, sky rocket ratings!!
Take two plastic girls, make sure these girls have some sort of feverish following fan base or controversial edge, convince them that they are looking for love, then convince them that they should do it on a popular television network tv show, then give them a house to live in, the give them an audience...and you got MTV's, "A Shot at Love" and VH1's, "I Love New York" staring Tila Tequila (Nguyen) and Tiffany "New York" Pollard. Good thing that MTV and VH1 are really ran by the same company these days so they don't have to stay in constant competition with programming and time slots. Look now every little dirty "reality" show can have high ratings! Wooo hooo!
Okay so since I'm NOT a hypocrite or a liar I have to admit I watched both shows...not Tila's show regularly from the beginning but New York's...YES! And I too was ensnared by the drama that unfolded before my wide brown eyes of these two wacky women putting themselves out there in front of millions of other brown eyes, and blue eyes, and probably grey, black, hazel, and green too!
I was not disappointed that New York did not choose "Punk". Well I kinda was for him at least since he seemed to really dig her and be sincere. However I didn't like how Punk acted like a Punk with her and started to resort to tattle telling when his confidence became shaky. But I don't feel sorry for him can see him on myspace, youtube, and even a few entertainment industry parties running around like a lost soul trying to fit into the seedy world of HollyWeird all of the sudden. Pretty dumb.
I knew Tiffany wouldn't choose Buddha. But Buddha's (too cocky) presence on the show created the great debate and a juicy challenge for the queen of the mouth. In the end she knew this man and her would bump heads like no other. He played games and drove her crazy in too many ways so she went with the safe bet. The one that would adore her...which is what most women need. She chose Tailor Made. Not a man for me...he's a little too weasely and scrawny however "love" sees past that. Plus New York saw that bank account and money sounds like love in this culture!
In "A Shot at Love" at first I was convinced that Brandy would win Tila's heart. I liked the girl. And I don't even like girls like that. For real yall...don't play. Then when Brandy had her suspicious meltdown I thought okay maybe Dani. But then after the tall blonde thing left....uh Amanda. I knew it would be Bobby. Remember that kiss they shared on their "last date" after he gave her that sweet gift??!! Hello! Dani was cool and all but maybe a little too cool. She would be a good friend for Tila but not a lover. But Bobby...that boy adored her! There's that "adore" word again. And Tila coming from a background where she has always craved love needed that adoration that Bobby could give her. Bobby's charm was in his simple innocence and lack of know how that totally appealed to Tila who is the opposite. I just hope he can handle her fame and strong sexuality. We'll see. But I did almost shed a tear at the end because Dani was so sad, Bobby was so speechless and Tila was too happy to find a guy who liked her for her. Plus I think deep down she rather a guy's hand to hold than a chicks. I agree. Pretty sweet. Oh an ode to reality TV!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
4th Annual Frank Ski Kids Foundation Celebrity Wine Tasting!

The Frank Ski Kids Foundation saw another successful year! The 4th annual celebrity wine tasting and auction went off happily with Christmas spirit at Frank and Tanya (she is always such a poised and warm spirited women) Ski's illustrious north Atlanta home. This year the December 16th event was catered by Carrabbas (makes sense since Frank & Wanda plug the restaurant so heavily on their V-103 morning show...should be great business pick-up for the Southern Italian restaurant) and several celebrity appearances were made: Yung Joc, Emmanuel Lewis, Keith Sweat, Brian Jordan (Atlanta Braves), Luke ("Don't stop...get it get it!"), Malik Yoba, Speech (of Arrested Development- and yes they are still recording and as FABULOUS as ever!) & his wife Yolanda, Q & Slim of 112, DJ Troomp, Vernon Jones and Dallas Austin. (thanks to the Sandra Rose Gallery for most of the pictures.)
Our media friend Diddy even stopped by and showed his love supporting the cause by bidding $14,000 during a bidding war on a 2002 six liter bottle of Opus One. I think the gentlemen that was bidding against diddy was trying to get a little attention, prove a point and show Mr. Combs up a little. Oh well the Ciroc Vodka endorser won and money was raised!
I will report on the pre-events that I had the pleasure to attend that were the youth bowls hosted by the foundation. Every year a youth bowl is held allowing the children ages 12-15 to perform in football for money and trophies received to go to their communites. In the final championship game last Saturday, The Sandtown Vikings didn't let the rain stop their focus, they won their first title, kicked major tail and scored an impressive 56 to 7 against the Central Dekalb Jaguars! Wooo hooo! Stay tuned for more news, videos and pictures from this event later.
16 year old Jamie Lynn Spears is having a baby!

Maybe she wants to be able to do sisterly things like raise babies with her big supa star sis, Brit. Whatever the case 16 year old Nickelodeon star of "Zoey 101" is 3 months pregnant with her first child by her live in (okay so mom and pop...why you letting ol' girl LIVE with a boyfriend at school age???!!!??? so what she makes her own money!) longtime (oh and how is he "longtime" if she is ONLY 16? how in the hey does that work??!) boy-toy Casey Aldridge, a youngster himself. And she is keeping the baby (which is positive and responsible)...this news was confirmed today by Nickelodeon themselves! The popular children's television network is "supporting" her decision BUT i wonder if they will support her coming back to television on that network! HUMPH! We'll guess is on NO. Better yet knowing Nickelodeon...Hellz No!
In an interview with popular tabloid and celeb gossip magazine, OK, this is what lil miss jls had to say about her surprise pregnancy:
"It was a shock for both of us, so unexpected," Jamie Lynn told OK. "I was in complete and total shock and so was he."
But the word is that Britney either didn't know or is just protecting her sister. When the Stalkarazzi asked her about her sister's baby bump, miss OOPS I DID IT AGAIN'S comment was..."My sister is NOT pregnant!" Awwwww....I understand. I'd say the same thing too if I were her.
Boy these country gone HollyWeird Spears girls sure do grow up real fast! I guess they are saying, "I'm not that innocent!" But to that I say...who in that town is?? Hmmm...hit me up if you know of someone.
Monday, December 17, 2007
"I am Legend" was a LEGENDARY hit for Will Smith and all December movies!
The Thrilling, I Am Legend landed at #1 spot over the weekend, making $76 million dollars!!! The record smashing film also ranks as the best December opening of all time!! Great news for Will who has had 7 consecutive chart toppers! Wow! He's come so far from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air days. The man can act, choose roles, and draw crowds irregardless of race.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Old Blues and Rock and Roll's Ike Turner passes away
The 1950's notorious black rocker, Ike Turner passed away in his home yesterday, December 12th (on my birthday!).
Turner received a trophy for best traditional blues album at the 49th Annual Grammy Awards earlier this year on February 11th.
At this time the cause of death is unknown. He was 76 years old.
...Sending love out to his family and friend.
Vanessa and Angela Simmons already make millions off of Pasty Shoe line!

These are some smart girls who are using the resources (rich/savvy daddy, successful/smart uncle, and a great idea!) they have been blessed with to build something of their own. It's better than just dropping Daddy's money!
On a side note: Bow Wow and Angela Simmons continue to date. He seems to be in a slight concert scandal at the moment though. People are saying that he lied about having appendicitis (which I had some years ago...but will never forget that the junk hurt like heck!) since he was released from the hospital so quickly. He is saying that he just hurt his hand, drew lots of blood, grew nauseous and then went to the hospital and while there and got checked for appendicitis due to constant stomach problems. Who knows...oh well.
Eva Longoria-Parker and Tony Parker cheating RUMORS!

Pressant, a French "model" says she even visited the San Antonio spurs basketball point guard (Tony) in San Antonio in October and he showed her his new mansion being built. You can read the entire interview as told by X17. Why would this chick lie this way? If it's true then why would she knowing sleep with a married man and then lie? What happened to the morals of marriage or respect for yourself at least?!! I tell you when someone wants publicity they will stoop low. Dawg even TMZ is saying it's a rumor. Even TMZ the biggest gossip spreaders without regards to any celebs feelings! Hello. Big Dummy.
Tony and Eva have released statements to People magazine. Eva says that Tony has been nothing short of perfect as a husband and Tony says he loves his wife. They know better. We aint dealing with Shaq, D.Wade, Iverson, Kobe or Jordan. I know those men travel alot and have cheated but all of them don't. And then Eva is WAY hotter than that nut case! Booooooooooooo French girl. You are whack!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Drumma Boy's got the last beat

If he doesn't know you, he doesn't have much to say.
If you saw him in a crowd you might dap up the simply dressed, yet fashionable and stylish light skinned quiet dude then keep it movin'. You may not know that you just bumped hands with a rising star.
He's quiet. Yet confident. But it's his quiet confidence that adds to the Supa Producer appeal. Somewhat of an enigma, there is a smoldering fire in his eyes, and he doesn't offer smiles JUST to to be nice. Don't get all sensitive about it. Think "Jack Frost", but handsome. This "boy" is THE business, he's not playin'. Meet Christopher "Drumma Boy" Gholson. Blazin' down south producer responsible for hits like Plies, "Shawty", Jeezy's "White girl", and the Greg Street production featuring Jagged Edge & Fabulous for the remix, "You make me better". But he won't stay south only for long. You've heard the songs, it's obvious he's got skills. Part of the self built, exclusive, Drum Squad Productions, Drumma flawlessly weaves together his beats and compilations until it makes a perfect product. Then a song is matched and it sells. I mean can a song really sell without the beat anyway?? Finally some producers are getting the respect and recognition they deserve!
Okay I'm the first to admit the flaws in someone and then turn right back around and praise the hell outta them if they deserve! But I think above I already pointed out the icy aloofness of the man that could possibly put people off. But I don't know if that can really be considered a flaw in his situation. I actually found his cool demeanor somewhat refreshing. Maybe he's even humble, a rarity in this business...I can't tell yet. But being around lots of different men in this business at many events I find it a small comfort to run into one that wasn't puffing his chest out and trying to get extra attention in efforts to compensate for the love his momma neglected him of. Or something like that. Surely you dig. But his parents did something right. He comes from a family full of musical background. His father was an excellent clarinet player and his mother sang opera! They helped preserve a solid foundation for the star to shine.
I sat down with Drumma for an exclusive interview (click the link to see, or scroll down to the bottom of this story to see the video) this fall in a midtown Atlanta recording studio during one of his sessions with Dem Franchise Boys. He wasn't goofing off (I mean he was at work, paying for studio time so...), he wasn't surrounded by liquor, in fact he sipped on a fruity VitaminWater drink as he focused on the keys. He was busy! He is a workaholic! He is making that cheddar! And for a young man of 24, that's not a bad thing. If you look on his myspace page, you will see pictures of the Tennesee native posing, looking gansta, full of pride. Well he's a Leo, the sign of the prideful lion. It fits in one way. It doesn't in another. In person he was chill but don't be mislead, he's in control. I asked a question and he gave an answer at times a more excited answer. He didn't ramble on and on about himself and all his accomplishments...blah blah blah. He didn't feel a need to. He knows who he is and where he is headed; straight up the success food chain.
I can tell you something important about Drumma Boy. There are many music biz hopefuls out there in the studios mixing, and playing and calling themselves producers. As for Christopher Gholson there is no claim, only fact. He is not a beat maker, he is a producer.
During our interview I delved a little into the personal character of the boy called Drumma, the man and the mind behind the music. I got some great info (click here to see our talk/interview) but I'm sure those he calls his companions know the more intimate/non Hollywood side of Chris: the man that jokes it up with his boys, the man that goes out and has fun at the club (he and manager Squeak -who is awesome- came to Keri Hilson's 80's themed 25th bday party bash this past Saturday at The View), the man that loves his family. That stuff may be saved for those who are closer to him, real people in his life. Drumma did share with me that he loves to bball on the court, oh and the man likes to cook for his family! He said he can thrown it down! He told me that with a warm smile. It finally put me at ease because truth, his seriousness made me a little nervous at first. Plus it was my first REAL interview! So yes he cooks! The only problem was when he told me that I was sitting there hungry as a mufu!
Back outside the recording room, the rest of the crew at the studio (Tasha Ramos, lovely singer from StarTrak, Dem Franchise Boys, managers, and staff- those interviews also on YouTube) was chillin', loud, playing Nintendo Wi, having fun, ordering cheese burgers, know being normal I suppose. I relaxed a little. But I didn't forget that informative time spent with the incredible producer. He wasn't so hard faced after all. In fact he was rather kind in a cool way. Drumma may be quiet on the surface but get to know him because his music speaks loudly.
It's a "Stunna" Sweet 16 party planned for Quincy Brown (Kim Porter's & Al B Sure's/Diddy's son)

Well I hear that Quincy who is Kim's son from Al B Sure is a sweet kid. I sure hope so. He went on the radio and gave away 100 passes to his shindig to some lucky winners. A big twist on this story may be that he gives out gifts to people instead of getting a truck full of them on TV (that's a rumor going around, a positive rumor but...we'll see). But most of the kids on the show seem spoiled, rude, ungrateful, arrogant, expectant and whiny. But hey I'm not the parent so it's not my battle. The producers at MTV (and other networks of course) however do have a slick way of editing the footage taped before and during these "rights of passage" parties that make the kids featured on the episode seem like mini monsters. They do point out the worst flaws for viewers to "ooh" and "ahhh" about. Oh well it makes for good TV. I watch it!
Anyhow the party is this coming Saturday night at a PRIVATE LOCATION!!! PR for the event is being handled by The Garner Circle.
Jessica Alba is having a baby!
The silver screen cutie, Jessica Alba, 26, is adding another little Alba to the family. Her and boyfriend since 2004, Cash Warren are expecting their first child together according to Star Pulse.
If this is a fact men across the globe will be disappointed that the gorgeous starlet not only got back with her man (after a quick break-up earlier this year) but now that the two starting this important phase in their life together. But Alba as a baby momma...? Nah! I don't see that happening for too long. I'm sure he'll marry her...or she'll make him. He's (Cash Warren) got Jessica Alba for a girlfriend...unless she's secretly nuts, what else does he want??
See the bronze skinned hottie in feature films this year like: "Good Luck Chuck", "Awake", and later, "The Eye".
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Keri Hilson likes it just the way it were...
If you are not able to see the attached Keri Hilson birthday video shot log onto Thanks! dude

"Like totally OMG!" I kept expecting Micheal J. Fox to show up because I had been shifted "Back to the Future" for singer/esteemed song writer Keri Hilson's psychedelic 25th birthday party held at The View in Atlanta on Saturday night. And if you don't know, now you know, Keri Hilson has enough star power to bring out the hypest in Hip Hip royalty: Nicole Garner & team of The Garner Circle PR was directing things (GREAT JOB! Thanks for the invite!) Polo Da Don (Host), Drumma Boy (Producer...check out our exclusive interview on, Cee-Lo, Jazzy Pha (and he is the same in person as he is in videos...stupendous!), Nelly (Hellz yeah AND he performed "Grillz"!), Jeezy, Chamillionaire (such a low key/cool cat), Jlack, Bone Crusher (very nice dude), Chaka Zulu, AK the Razor Man (Grand Hustle/PSC shout out!), Jermaine Dupri, Jonta Austin, Diamond (formerly of Crime Mob), London (Kinky B's label), Jagged Edge, Bobby V, yall the 90's really were reached when the likes of Blaque came out and the one and only Ronnie Devoe (hasn't aged 1 bit) of BBD showed up and out! I got to do a little interview with Ronnie and found out that he and BBD would be touring all over the world next year! Get ready ladies! In addition he's been investing in real-estate (good man) and has other endeavors. Keep up with him at "Girl I must warn you...."!
The rich and famous didn't bother much with the upstairs VIP but stayed mingling it up and shoulder brushing with the commoners on dance floor in the large warehouse like set-up. Even with all the glowing star power in the house I did good. I didn't yell out in turrets syndrome fashion, "I see you on TV!" to any of the celebs who represented for the lady of the hour. So be proud of me.
The 1980's/90's Keri Hilson celebration featured alcoholic slushies, cheese burgers and apple pies, catered by McDonalds, ring pops, candy straws laced with the purest white powder...sugar! And goodie bags in Happy Meal boxes stuffed with a lil Hen(essy that it...but damn they forget to throw in the coke...coke the DRINK people!), a rubiks cube (who in the heezy is Rubik anyway??), and Keri cute is that??!!
What I ADORE about Keri...first of all she is a SAGITTARIUS, (as Ryan Cameron from V-103 radio would scream) and if you didn't get the significance of that so am bday is tomorrow! We fire gurls iz special! Okay back to Keri...she's way fun, great style, earthy, chill, silly, smart, gracious (after the party the rest of the food was donated to a mission by Keri...awwwww....gotta love a girl like that!) humble but yet home girl is a BOSS chick. She knows what she wants and what she's worth. She's got an album coming out in 2008, watch out for her. Because she's a writer and not in the public eye as much her name has not been circulated very heavily yet, but please believe she's ALL THAT.
All in all it was an INCREDIBLE night! The only major disappointment was nobody broke out into a "Vogue". Kidding.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Frank Ski Kids Foundation youth bowl highlights
The children in these four incredible football teams ages 11-13 played in the exciting Frank Ski Kids Foundation's annual Youth Bowl to compete for their share of grants, prizes and trophies of more than $20,000! Frank and Tanya Ski are true philanthropists who care about the future of our city and the world. Frank Ski was honored October 14th this year by Martell Noblige for his philanthropic efforts in the community.
I did have an opportunity to speak with Frank and Tanya about the youth bowl, the history of the foundation as well as get some information of a future expansion. Look for that information here soon. I know...I'm a tease!
A highlight of the game day was watching Harmony, 4 young beautiful brown girls, perform the National Anthem. These little ladies sounded like black angels in flight.
The Championship game will be Saturday, December 15, 2007 @ 12:00PM @ Halford Stadium 3789 Memorial College Drive, Decatur, GA 30021. This time the Vikings will go up against the Black Jaguars. Good luck teams! And if you missed the 1st game don't miss the second one. It is for a great cause and exciting fun for kids, adults, and families!
TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE as well as sponsorship opportunities.
Please call 404-870-0230 or visit for more information.
The Head coach of the Vikings on their AMAZING win!
If you are not able to see the above interview please log onto Thanks!