Shame on Ryan Phillippe for stepping away from this love! Oscar winning (Walk the Line) Reese Witherspoon banks $15 to $20++ million for films. She beats the previous Hollywood Highest Paid Actress title owner Julia Roberts who made $24 million for Mona Lisa Smile. I think Mona Lisa stopped smiling as it seems that Roberts is more set into raising her family in peace for the time being. I'm sure she has enough money to last her, Danny, Lil twins Hazel & Phinnaeus, and baby Henry Daniel for quite the time. No worries.
But yeah for Reese, American Movie's new sweetheart! What I love about Reese is that over the years she's proved herself with hard work, charm and talent. She didn't show up for one movie and win hearts and awards off the bat but had to work in several films in order to really get recognition. Many didn't see her rise to fame coming. After the charming and funny Legally Blonde (recently made into a musical) her named started to surface more. Soon she overshadowed then hottie husband Ryan Phillippe (Actor Ethan Hawke once said that it's difficult to be in a Hollywood relationship and be happy for your partner when you are not getting any work- in regards to then wife Uma Thurman's career taking off while he had no work.) and soared on the wings of her own stardom snagging an Oscar at the fairly young age of 29. She's cute, fashionable, a mom and can act. In Hollywood she's got it made. However personally we are not sure how she fares with the recent divorce and undoubtedly unwanted attention surrounding it and her romantic life in general.
On a personal and professional level Witherspoon seems to carry herself with poise, relateabilty and purpose. Film goers have high hopes for the petite fire house of an actress. Congrats to her!
Reese is followed by the following actresses in the money category:
Angelina Jolie- $15 million-$20 million (only $8 million for Beowulf)
Cameron Diaz- $15+ million
Nicole Kidman- $10 million-$15 million
Renee Zellweger- 10 million-$15 million
Sandra Bullock- $10 million-$15 million
Julia Roberts-10 million-$15 million (more for Mona Lisa Smiles)
Drew Barrymore - $10 million-$12 million
Jodie Foster- $10 million-$12 million
Halle Berry- $10 million
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