If he doesn't know you, he doesn't have much to say.
If you saw him in a crowd you might dap up the simply dressed, yet fashionable and stylish light skinned quiet dude then keep it movin'. You may not know that you just bumped hands with a rising star.
He's quiet. Yet confident. But it's his quiet confidence that adds to the Supa Producer appeal. Somewhat of an enigma, there is a smoldering fire in his eyes, and he doesn't offer smiles JUST to to be nice. Don't get all sensitive about it. Think "Jack Frost", but handsome. This "boy" is THE business, he's not playin'. Meet Christopher "Drumma Boy" Gholson. Blazin' down south producer responsible for hits like Plies, "Shawty", Jeezy's "White girl", and the Greg Street production featuring Jagged Edge & Fabulous for the remix, "You make me better". But he won't stay south only for long. You've heard the songs, it's obvious he's got skills. Part of the self built, exclusive, Drum Squad Productions, Drumma flawlessly weaves together his beats and compilations until it makes a perfect product. Then a song is matched and it sells. I mean can a song really sell without the beat anyway?? Finally some producers are getting the respect and recognition they deserve!
Okay I'm the first to admit the flaws in someone and then turn right back around and praise the hell outta them if they deserve! But I think above I already pointed out the icy aloofness of the man that could possibly put people off. But I don't know if that can really be considered a flaw in his situation. I actually found his cool demeanor somewhat refreshing. Maybe he's even humble, a rarity in this business...I can't tell yet. But being around lots of different men in this business at many events I find it a small comfort to run into one that wasn't puffing his chest out and trying to get extra attention in efforts to compensate for the love his momma neglected him of. Or something like that. Surely you dig. But his parents did something right. He comes from a family full of musical background. His father was an excellent clarinet player and his mother sang opera! They helped preserve a solid foundation for the star to shine.
I sat down with Drumma for an exclusive www.FindEntertainmentNow.com interview (click the link to see, or scroll down to the bottom of this story to see the video) this fall in a midtown Atlanta recording studio during one of his sessions with Dem Franchise Boys. He wasn't goofing off (I mean he was at work, paying for studio time so...), he wasn't surrounded by liquor, in fact he sipped on a fruity VitaminWater drink as he focused on the keys. He was busy! He is a workaholic! He is making that cheddar! And for a young man of 24, that's not a bad thing. If you look on his myspace page, you will see pictures of the Tennesee native posing, looking gansta, full of pride. Well he's a Leo, the sign of the prideful lion. It fits in one way. It doesn't in another. In person he was chill but don't be mislead, he's in control. I asked a question and he gave an answer at times a more excited answer. He didn't ramble on and on about himself and all his accomplishments...blah blah blah. He didn't feel a need to. He knows who he is and where he is headed; straight up the success food chain.
I can tell you something important about Drumma Boy. There are many music biz hopefuls out there in the studios mixing, and playing and calling themselves producers. As for Christopher Gholson there is no claim, only fact. He is not a beat maker, he is a producer.
During our interview I delved a little into the personal character of the boy called Drumma, the man and the mind behind the music. I got some great info (click here to see our talk/interview) but I'm sure those he calls his companions know the more intimate/non Hollywood side of Chris: the man that jokes it up with his boys, the man that goes out and has fun at the club (he and manager Squeak -who is awesome- came to Keri Hilson's 80's themed 25th bday party bash this past Saturday at The View), the man that loves his family. That stuff may be saved for those who are closer to him, real people in his life. Drumma did share with me that he loves to bball on the court, oh and the man likes to cook for his family! He said he can thrown it down! He told me that with a warm smile. It finally put me at ease because truth, his seriousness made me a little nervous at first. Plus it was my first REAL interview! So yes he cooks! The only problem was when he told me that I was sitting there hungry as a mufu!
Back outside the recording room, the rest of the crew at the studio (Tasha Ramos, lovely singer from StarTrak, Dem Franchise Boys, managers, and staff- those interviews also on YouTube) was chillin', loud, playing Nintendo Wi, having fun, ordering cheese burgers, gossiping...you know being normal I suppose. I relaxed a little. But I didn't forget that informative time spent with the incredible producer. He wasn't so hard faced after all. In fact he was rather kind in a cool way. Drumma may be quiet on the surface but get to know him because his music speaks loudly.
It's cool to see Drumma Boy doing his thing. Maven you did a great job with giving the 411 on our ATL finest Drumma Boy! I felt like I was there with you kicking it in the studio. I appreciate a man who let's his talents speak for itself suppose to him all out there in the cameras making noise. I think Drumma has the right approach to go way beyond the south and make his self well-known around the world.
ReplyDeleteHe's a good guy. Genuine.
ReplyDeleteHe is so hot! And that boy sholl know how to put that heat on a track man.
ReplyDeleteHe's tight
ReplyDeleteGood look. Didn't know his mom was into Opera. Wow!