From AP news:
British singer Amy Winehouse (and her new hair), left, leaves Snaresbrook Crown Court in London with an unidentified woman after the hearing of her husband Blake Fielder-Civil, Friday, Jan. 18, 2008. Fielder-Civil is in court charged with grievous bodily harm and preventing the course of justice.
End AP news.
In another tale of Drugs N Drama, yes the troubled, newly nappy blonde Amy Winehouse and her hubby Blake are "dorking" around again. Money and talent does not mean problems in this world...remember that. In fact the bigger the fame the more people are in your business when you royally screw up. How sucky. Anyway as her knight in shining armor was led away in from court today to jail, Amy whispered and then yelled out to him, "I love you handsome, gorgeous one!" To make sure her private public sentiments were not mistaken to another she sharply turned to the reporters and said, "I am not talking to you!" Hahaaaaa...Amy Winehouse is funnie!
Real talk, i do hope they get their minds right. Something even worse than drugs and jail may happen if things don't change. I'm glad no children are involved.
The Juice ReportER
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