This is very exciting to me. Singing sweetheart Jennifer Hudson (Oscar Winning Dream Girls star) will begin shooting her next role on September 19th as Carrie Bradshaw's (Sarah Jessica Parker's leading character) assistant in the highly anticipated Sex and the City: The Movie. The movie is a spin off to the rating madhouse TV series that premiered on HBO for six strong years. Now the series can be caught (edited of course) on TBS. Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon, and Chris Noth (Mr. Big) will also be rejoining the cast for the big screen version of the show.
This movie will give the exquisite Hudson more exposure and show a different side of her acting abilities. I think this is a good look for her. Hudson has been a busy bee filming "Winged Creatures" with humble Oscar Winner, Forest Whittaker (The Last King of Scotland) and English beauty Kate Beckinsale (Underworld, Pearl Harbor), and is currently in the studio recording her debut album. There has also been talk that musical counterpart, Alicia Keys may also star in the movie however per Ms. Keys herself, while she has been offered a role in the movie right now it is only speculation due to a possible conflict of shooting schedule and Alicia's schedule. Dang yall if Alicia declines I'll do it! Oh oh ok...i see. Yall didn't ask me. It's cool...
Stay tuned.
Nice pic of my girl JH. Can't wait to see the movie!