Story from EURweb.com
*Prophetess Juanita Bynum's lawyer sent the divorce paperwork to the Ware County Courthouse early last week, but an error delayed the filing. On Monday, the legal documents were officially filed.
Bynum's lawyer, Karla Walker, said Bynum is seeking the divorce on grounds of cruel treatment and irreconcilable differences. The divorce filing states that the marriage has been "irretrievably broken." The lawyer said her client still loves her husband but "she does feel it necessary to stop the domestic violence and go on with the divorce."
Bynum's husband, Bishop Thomas Weeks III wanted to reconcile. He is accused of stomping, kicking and choking Bynum in an Atlanta hotel parking lot in August. He was charged with felony aggravated assault, felony terroristic threats and two counts of simple battery.
The prophetess told reporters last week at an Atlanta press conference that she was the new face of domestic violence.
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, the outspoken conservative minister and radio talk show host said, "Domestic violence is wrong whether the victim is a woman or man. Juanita Bynum, however, is not called by God and she's hardly the 'new face of domestic abuse. It's impossible for a God-fearing woman to exploit her marital problems for personal gain and publicity. There are two sides to every story and like too many domestic abuse cases the husband is being tried and convicted based on a one-sided account."
According to published reports, Bynum has said she is moving forward with plans to start a domestic violence ministry.
"Juanita Bynum's comments and actions prove that she's an angry, out-of-control woman. God wouldn't have her discard her marriage in order to promote the domestic abuse issue or any other phony cause," Rev. Peterson said.
Last Saturday, Bynum attended a fundraiser for presidential candidate Barack Obama at Oprah Winfrey's California estate.
End Story from EURweb.com
I wasn't sure what Juanita would do with this one but it seems that she understandably is choosing to move forward with her life SANS her "snapped" husband.
I can be a reverend, pastor, pope priest I don't give a ****** If a man who claims to be my husband choke me out and kick me and beat me like I am a man I will be divorcing you with the quickness. This ain't no Ike and Tina show! What the hell, Go Juanita!
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Miesha/The Maven
Light Eyes...you craZee fool! Yup the Bishop freaked out didn't he?? Dang. Hopefully he will get him some help...
ReplyDeleteThat man is crazy. She need to go. Took her too long to say that really.